Saturday, August 21, 2021

The absolute state of New South Wales (and Australia)

Something I posted on my Facebook yesterday, in response to a press conference by the NSW Police Minister (read: Commissar) David Elliot. Full video can be watched here (and an edited version to maximise Elliot's honesty here):

"You'll also be endangering the lives of your loved ones, and of course prolonging this lockdown. You're gonna be doing everything you want to stop.

This is how wicked rulers thrive today; gaslighting. It is YOU, the man merely trying to live his normal life, who is causing death and suffering. It is YOU who are prolonging this lockdown.

Of course, these are lies. David Elliot is a tyrant and a liar. Why did he not mask up and lockdown before COVID-19? Over 1200 people died from influenza in 2017, and between 800 - 900 in 2019 (the sources differ). Statist lapdogs may screech "but covid badder!!", but that is irrelevant, because many people have and do die of influenza every year. To say we should lockdown for COVID but not the flu is totally arbitrary and contradicts the alleged foundations of locking down for COVID; saving lives. So, if their concern is saving lives to the absolute, why did rulers like Elliot, Hazard, etc. not act according to their totalitarian worldview before 2020?

Now, the statement I quoted is a lie and gaslight for two reasons. First, every single action we take in our lives can in theory "endanger" someone. My taking out a knife from the kitchen draw *could* result in my slipping and stabbing my brother in the stomach. My driving to work *could* result in an accident that wipes out a whole family. The same with COVID; I *could* have it, and *might* spread it. But unless you *know* you are mishandling a knife, unless you *know* your car is about to fall apart or you're passing into oncoming traffic, and unless you *know* you have COVID (or know such is likely i.e. via symptoms), it is unreasonable, unjust, and evil to accuse someone of endangering lives and legislating against them accordingly, because *everyone* is endangering someone to some degree *every day*. It is impossible to remove all or even most risks from our lives; we literally could not live, let alone enjoy the life God has given us, if we even tried. And the state's tyranny is proving exactly that; trying to stamp out one disease has resulted in social and spiritual life being annihilated and countless thousands having their livelihoods wiped out, forcing them onto government support (making you dependent on the state).

Second, the rest of the statement is a literal lie. COVID, nor people trying to live their lives and not be crushed financially/socially, are not prolonging the lockdown. Ordinary people are not, and are not capable of issuing edicts shutting down an entire state. John Doe from Surry Hills didn't get up on the podium and declare a lockdown. Tyrants like Berejiklian, Hazard, and Elliot are the ones who make the choice to shut down the state and destroy people's lives. They *choose* to respond to numbers on a chart in the manner that they do. Would these same liars consistently apply this logic and accuse protestors in Afghanistan of causing the Taliban to kill dissidents? Of course, not, because they feign being "liberals" who support "human rights". But they obviously don't, they are either cognitively dissonant or they are liars.

Don't let tyrants enslave you mentally as they already have physically. May they see God's justice one day."

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