Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A Twitter debate on Augustine & the veneration of saints

There is a Twitter debate on Augustine's comments around the saints, whether they suggest the liceity or the illicitness of their veneration. It has become fairly interesting and deep so I thought it useful to unroll their threads and organise them on one page. The contenders are Potamopotos (Lutheran) and PatrologyVotary (also Protestant? Dunno yet).

Potamopatos' original thread:

PatrologyVotary's first response:

Potamopatos' (first?) response:

PatrologyVotary's second response:

SUPPLEMENT: Christian B. Wagner's schizo-posting (per his request):

I will update this if any other threads come up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, there is a informal debate in progress in the Facebook group 'Official Christian Memes: One Meme to rule them all' on 'does 2 Thes 2:15 prove Sola Scriptura false?'
    It is a me posted by Alexander Nevsky, a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. Many rebuttals offered. Including some discussion of images/saints, but mainly Scripture and the Eastern Orthodox.
    I think you would enjoy reading through the rebuttals and the arguments that Nevsky gives.
